Chemtrail Plane Shot Down Over China August 3, 2016

Very Important, must read, for everyone to know about this life threatening possibility!

It includes a video.



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Ben Fulford 11,22,15: Khazarian mafia takedown accelerating making them dangerously desperate

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Thoughts for Earth Day 2015

Last night I lay in bed thinking, finally going to sleep with these thoughts.  I think them appropriate for the day we are celebrating today.

The Inuits (Eskimos) say the Earth has tilted, but the Earth is always at a tilt. That tilt also spins (wobbles), like a spinning top as it slows down, so the tilt could be facing a new direction, and soon a new North Star. But the Earth also circles the Sun, which is really a misnomer because it really doesn’t make a circle since the Sun is also traveling as it “circles” the center of the galaxy. (  So our Earth really spirals around the Sun, as do the other planets, as our Sun travels through alternately dense and clear portions of space – supernova and dark matter. Dense could mean “hot” since particles closely aligned working to create something new could be very hot. We may not be completely at fault for our weather changes. There’s a lot to consider, even the history of what has happened on our planet in the past – the loss of a high civilization to rival our own. There is so much we don’t know, but are only just getting hints about. Knowledge is opening up to us quicker than we can absorb it all. The one thing for sure is that we are a contributing factor to all our current situations, and to change that we have to change our way of living.

Those in charge really don’t want that, but without change we are doomed. Maybe that’s what they want, but if you are like me, I don’t want it. I can’t accept our end when we are only beginning to become who we are meant to be. And the changes we are experiencing are (and will be) both gradual and abrupt. Watch societies as they demand change. Watch nature as it changes – volcanos, earthquakes, seasons, storms and, most of all, time and dimensions as the fractals expand. Consider you own situation and that inner something that says things aren’t right and you need to do something about it. Think about it. Consider your possibilities before something else changes things for you.

Even with all the HAARP grids being built, geoengeineering, and chemtrails being released, it will be Mother Nature who will call the shots. It doesn’t matter how many bullets are released and how many are killed. We may count them the lucky ones when whatever torque is working on our planet now is unleashed in all its fury. Be prepared. PTSD will set in; shock will make you stand and stare until you understand what you see, a changed landscape no doubt, but how long will it take to accept it? Can you survive it? Many won’t, and again, we may count them the lucky ones because life will be very difficult for a long while, at minimum a year, but more likely, many years. Just think about it.

Even if Revelations in the Bible was written by Satan himself to tell what will come, in the end the bad guys lose. Maybe some of us stop them, maybe Mother Nature steps in, but regardless of how it occurs, they are doomed and they know it. That’s why they want to take as many of us with them as they can. Misery loves company, but we have to be stronger than that. Look them in the eye and say “NO!” – a resounding “NO!” Don’t follow their path. Don’t let them suck you in or mind manipulate you or deceive you with false promises. Even alone you are stronger than all of them. Don’t let them fool you. Don’t let them instill fear in your heart or you are lost. Yes, many strange things will happen we may not initially comprehend, but if your heart is true, you will survive, in this life or the next. You are part of the collective consciousness after all, and in that, as we think more and more alike in our aims, it will come true. Thoughts have power, even Solomon knew that.

None need be lost, except to this life, but then only on good terms, not evil ones. Remember all the stories where the good guys win. We’re the good guys. We have to be. We have to win! Eventually the Earth will settle and take care of us, so we must always remember, and take care of her because she will awaken a new being just as we will. And those who are reborn will remember us, and life will be glorious and abundant as we have learned through chaos to love and care for one another. We are all one. We have to stand together for we will surely perish alone.

Have a Happy Earth Day and make this one count!

Judith Victoria Douglas

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Bankers: Crashing the American Dollar On Purpose

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False Flags: A True Conspiracy

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Human rights and the trivial…..

With all the outlandish changes in our rights the conservatives have come up with this is an important one.

Paul Bernal's Blog

The Conservative plan for a ‘Bill of Rights’ has been made public by David Allen Green (@JackofKent) here.

I’m sure there will be detailed analyses of it by people far more expert than me – but there was one particular thing in the proposals that drew my attention. The idea is to:

Limit the use of Human Rights laws to the most serious cases. They will no longer apply in trivial cases.

So what counts as trivial? Who decides what is trivial? This may seem like a trivial question, but it really isn’t, particularly when you consider the nature of human rights. What is trivial to one person is far from trivial to another – so who it is who makes that judgment, and on what basis, is critical. As someone who works primarily in the field of privacy, this is an issue that comes up all the time…

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So Your Friend Is an Author…



Amazing, Isn’t It?

Yes. It is.

How many authors do you actually know?

Now your friend is one.

The key word there is friend.

This was your friend before. Becoming an author doesn’t change that.

Sure, you can tease your friend about this, if your relationship ordinarily involves teasing.

But your friendship is based on more than just teasing:

  • You support one another. Even if one of you writes a book.
  • You’re honest with one another. Even if you think the book isn’t quite, well, you know.
  • You know each other well. How to get on one another’s nerves. How to put things gently. So you can figure out the right way to share honest feedback.
  • You motivate one another. So in addition to honest feedback, you’ll provide encouragement, motivation, and direction.

Your friend wrote a book. That’s a huge accomplishment. Treat it as such.

There are some things you…

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If Scientists were Poets

The Earth is a major character in my upcoming novel, Realms of the Earth.  Presented here are the recordings Hensley, as Scribe, records of the planet’s creation during the first three chapters between the actions of his life.  More of the earth’s evolutionary process continues through the book as Time passes more quickly than it does with the seven realms of Hensley’s enchanted and symbiotically attached realms.  If you know the science you will understand what is spoken of in these passages.  If you don’t have a scientific knowledge then learn from this before looking it up for accuracy.

Excerpt from Realms of the Earth

The Multiverse was created by a sound, an utterance of Will from the Mind of the One within Many.

Within this universe, separate from the many, the elements of an aged supernova formed new stars with the circling debris clouds gathering into planets. Within one young system Seven Governors were made mysteriously well balanced. These Seven Governors sheltered the renewed life of an Eighth, newly added from without their circles following within the great Celestial Sphere.

Once joined with the larger galaxy, this Eighth Governor found itself retained within this newly birthed system. The calamity that struck caused only a teetering until the Gaia spirit within awakened.

World Attacked

The speeding object about to destroy the Watcher’s world glowed through the atmosphere over the dark northwestern sky above a shadowy peak as it rapidly enlarged. Its icy tail appeared aligned inappropriately to one side as it was blown by a solar wind. It dipped out of sight below the horizon.

The impact halted the planet’s imperceptible rotation as the attacker’s momentum slammed through the world’s southeastern-most surface opposite the dark peak. Fragments of soil and rock exploded into space, dragged with the object’s wake along with much of the little world’s great sea.

A small island continent was destroyed.

The planet shuttered violently.

The release of derelict debris was followed by blasts of orange-hot fire shooting soundlessly into the void from the impact site out of the broken surface. A pyroclastic flow of heated glassy spherules formed massive clouds with the dusty vapor to obliterate all in its path. Portions of the world’s tumultuous surface instantly liquefied from the friction of impact releasing inner fire spreading heat.

A resulting glow haloed the oblate edges around the globe as seen from the cliff’s stone façade.

The broken planet’s spin was now visibly more rapid, skipping on an uneven track as cracks began to cover most of its surface. Magna spewed forth in many places from the pressure within. Toxic gases replaced remnant pockets of tenuous atmosphere.

The larger fragment of the hammer-like death object swirled back from its destructive course due to its arrested momentum. It struck the planet again penetrating for all time the fractured crust to be buried within the molten and swirling brew gripping it within its bowels. The small world spun its death dance in shocked anguish.

Little time passed as the aging world was changed into a broken lifeless rock now heating large sections of its surface to liquid. Fragments of its damaged body and that of its attacker surrounded it. The planet did not remain misshapen as segments of its surface spread swelling with huge bubbles of magma. It appeared a rapid death.

Millions of orbits, comprising its years, passed with this new world slowly congealing into a mass of softened hot rock. The stone hearth remained, strangely, if not magically protected though exposed to toxic gases and the apparent vacuum of space. The surrounding surfaces gradually cooled, still revealing orange-hot liquid through the surface cracks. Superheated elements remained buried, churning with the question of new life.

The planetoid drifted. Unconscious. Unaware. Lost.

Wandering within a wide system on the edge of a spiral arm of a great galaxy the little world gradually lost its previous small family of orbs and globes. All were adopted out as their small galaxy merged with the larger, disbursing familiar members among this older rabble. Only a few were destroyed in their collision with angry neighbors.

The gestating world found a new home continuing its listless revolution, still temporarily unconscious after millennia.

Unaware of its many new friends as they became family, it appeared to mimic each Governor guiding its way. It followed its own path around their Master, a bright golden star.

Their star’s estranged twin occasionally visited the orbs, though its dead form was too distant to be more than a dark speck in the vast emptiness between so many. Its presence only guided the Ages by its aspect warning of darker activities coming.

Giant billowing circlets of flames shot from the Master’s constant blazing, its centrally located furnace heating this system of worlds emitting visible and invisible particles. It cast fleeting silhouettes over the once broken side of the reformed little planet’s illuminated surface. The vision revealed was a stripped and scorched landscape. A long shadow was cast over the mysterious edifice still holding the semblance of a great stone hearth.

As the dirigibles of solid masses of debris encircled the injured planet, the elongated tail from its unsuccessful destroyer had followed the broken death object as it was pulled back and around toward this little earth in its attempt at its destruction.

Even though crashed into a second time the globe had held, rather than blowing apart, though severely broken and reheated. Slowly it strengthened changing the composition within its landscape as the huge torpedo melded its iron veins into the molten form centering itself under the initial impact site. The radioactive material birthed slowly waned.

The planetoid grew as other alien misfits continued their massive plummeting into its injured surface, melding with the slowly forming upper crust. This war of merging galaxies determined the posture of their army’s soldiers until each succumb to battle fatigue settling into balanced bliss with its once angry neighbors.

The spinning world retained its spheroidal shape through the efforts of its continued rotation, blissfully asleep in its gestation toward new life as it glided throughout the battlefront.

That Which Departed

The life protecting and perpetuating elements of this roving planet were lost by the chance travels of the large speeding adamant as the new residents moved into the established neighborhood.

Allowed to flow along this part of the universe’s gradient of guidelines it struck the roving world displacing it from among its former family when it was old and a recent arrival. The damage caused it to forget it once harbored a unique life form.

The attacker, being observed in transit long before its arrival, allowed the Watchers their escape following the loss of their stabilizing moon. Within their magnetic field the fragile atmosphere was guarded by the slow crawl it had long kept to. The upheaval provided a reprieve from this once constant chore when its power went out.

Life was no longer viable among the world’s wrecked and barren sediments. Vestiges on a high ridge, mysteriously sheltered within a portion graben-like, were the last remaining proclaimers of another species once harbored here in times past. The singular pre-adamant stone grouping stood as the only evidence of a life form not too dissimilar from those broadly housed throughout the remote expanses of this prodigious universe.

These surviving fixtures stood vigilant and incorruptible in their small guarded valley where the Spirit of Gaia slept. Protected against the harmful particles from space with which all the spheres are constantly bombarded Gaia’s dreams only imagined her glorious plans of re-making.

Offspring Anew

Fragmented pieces of the planet, and its attacker, circled separately until they were slowly drawn together. The stolen and captured ancient rocks finally coalesced, forming a smaller sphere to slowly cool as it encircled its parental planetoid. After a lone orbital course around their bright star the tracks were set for both the evolving terrestrial globe and its strong but seemingly sterile offspring slowing and stabilizing the recovering world’s spin.

This infantile orb held the tilt of its parent world steady, eventually to bring seasons along their orbital path. She cast soft shadows among the crevices of the transforming surface where a gashed out wound once lain in those moments before liquefaction. Her glow lent soft illumination to the dark side of her parent when she caught the reflection of the great star’s fire. And thus began their symbiotic relationship to endure the coming Ages.

World Renewed

The world continued its long voyage around its new explosive and shining master in its displacement to this new location.

Upheavals within the re-created orb’s bowels emitted toxic gases as the water-laden magma cooled, also emitting vapors, recycling elements from comets and other invading space aliens puncturing its surface.

A blanketing atmosphere began. It was held to the surface by the force of an invisible protective shield regenerated by the planet’s rotation, its new inner iron core racing around a shorter interior course with no end to its power.

This thick coverlet reflected the damaging rays of its shining star as the earth’s gestation progressed swaddled in the warm moisture held snugly to its surface. Its slow dissolve eventually drew out the mantle’s deep heat.

The slow cooling interacted with the guardian blanket causing moisture to rain down upon its uneven form remolding a fresh surface. A steady spin gave a geoidal appearance as the multiples of millennia-long rainstorm increased the liquids filling the low places.

A giant drab green sea formed, rich in iron. The toxic atmosphere appeared red, its consistency so dense nothing viable could withstand its weight. The extreme heat multiplied the hostile environs. And randomly formed volcanic isles succumb to the punishing waves.

Under this new ocean volcanism broke continually through the mantle. A molten basalt and water mixture formed a new kind of rock, one so porous and light it was more buoyant yet tough enough to withstand the waves’ constant beating down over its surface.

Floating over the denser hot rock it formed a granite crust upon the ancient craton—core rock over which the first continents took shape, dotting the waters.

The smaller partner orb managed the ebb and flow of the newly dispersed tides. Shallows soon harbored newly birthed sunlight-ingesting life forms, which emitted a different gas rusting out the iron in the great ocean before clearing the air. Toxic members were slowly displaced as a new combination of gases emitted from the strange and slimy life on all the world’s shores. Millennia passed as a blue countenance slowly emerged to become paramount.

Continents soon covered a quarter of the planet, moving about as their foundations slowly drifted. Life crawled from the water protected from the master’s damaging rays by a thick upper layer of the new atmosphere. Hope for a bright future began.

Many small crustal islands became a single landmass, Vaalbara, which quickly dissipated. Ur became the first major craton based landmass. Others formed. They came together then split apart as the eons passed.

The crustal movements changed the waterways until the halted warm water flow cooled the surface too much. Ice of massive proportions spread from the poles to form an unimaginably thick frozen surface. Snowball earth halted further development of life during this period with only a few miniscule species left in cryonic hibernation.

With the inner heat contained under this frozen cover the temperature rose until a gargantuan effort broke through the glacial surface to reveal the orange hot liquid again rising through fractures, melting that which had become solid back into liquid.

The interaction of the healed and vital water cycle returned the reincarnated orb to its blue countenance. It marked a new epoch after multiples of millennium beyond thought.

Supercontinents continued a remaking and breaking up cycles… until Pangaia.

Dense gases and dust became great dots of water-laden clouds to shadow the teeming variety of vegetation erupting from the soil of its latest singular surface and within its vast ocean. Life burst forth in this idyllic setting.

The planet had grown in size during its restoration period. Specters of hidden forms vivified, some planted by the original destructive weapon and other attacking hostiles. Still others appeared mutated visions of the orb’s far past. Upon Pangaia new life was beginning its active participation upon the world. It had taken eons.

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Ode to Doctor Who

Included in my anthology, Twisted Vine: An Anthology of Short Stories and Poems, is this tribute I wrote to this episode of Doctor Who – The Village of the Damned.  I just thought it was very sad they couldn’t be together, but hoped they would someday. Hope you enjoy it.


The Message


On a world unimagined

In a universe untold

Lived a woman of unrenowned

Whose life did once unfold.


Mysterious and magical

Assuredly she did live

Within her galaxy’s environs

Which great visions to her did give.


She walked among the grass and stones,

And sang unto the trees

Where housed many winged and climbing things,

Her words they oft did heed.


Each day seemed no different

The next always came and went,

Till a vision of destruction foretold

Her world would burn as her universe was rent.


As she watched the leaves aflutter

Tumbling across the peaceful ground,

Gathering as gleeful mice in somersaults,

Spinning all around,


A great thunder cracked the fabric defined

As time and space, breaking the multi-ways;

Its universes of galaxies and dimensions

Where light and darkness divided all the days.


Her power alone could not repair

The damage that was done,

But vision begged her so she spake

Upon the stars seeking for only one.


Beyond her universe his lonely heart

Was found, so instantly hers he knew,

Both understanding great powers that

Make all living worlds — too few.


Her message was harnessed by the stars

Sending out her one true plea, “Come!”

Knowing with the multi-verses in such peril

Soon all the lovely visions would succumb.


“Help I need,” she prayed the powers,

“So bring him unto me,

To the very heart where light and love

Abound for those within this sea.”


He looked upon the message

Without much understanding,

But heeded Astrid’s urgency knowing

Only he had such power commanding.


Across the timelines, through the dimensions

He followed the star-trail of his quest,

He and his companion fighting all the forces

Impeding his desire to fulfill his very best.


Upon arrival, prepared for intervention,

Expecting an ending of all his latter days,

His arsenal was readied, but he feared

Too late for the mending of the ways.


All seemed lost as he gazed upon

The darkness which did abound

Where once bright light swirled o’r heavens

To shine on many worlds all ’round.


He questioned his awareness asking,

“I think…have I seen this before?”

Till a spark of hope winked upon a

Blackened cinder-world once more.


“There!” he cried and hurried

To the sight of lone absolution

To gaze upon a vine encrusted citadel of death,

The light within crying for resolution.


“What is it?” His companion, a lesser being,

Inquired of his sighting.

His explanations confusing until he said,

“Only that for which we would be fighting.”


“This is the last refuge of the sacred holy

And there she lies inside

For nary a universe of heavens and earths

Would exist for me if ever she had died.”


He used his mighty powers

To part the door’s lone way

To find an unkempt garden with spirits

Who could only be the ancient fey.


He cleared the once worn path

To follow her beckoning voice

All the while marveling at the beauty

That was, apparently, her choice.


“Look, there,” was softly spoken.

“It’s her. This time I’m not too late.

She held the rent until I came.”

He ran as his companion begged, “No, wait.”


But he longed to see the vision

He’d witnessed through her star-sent plea

Finding only her barren framework housed

In tattered threads, her figure so incomplete.


It touched his lonely heart

With such a pain he could never say.

He halted his advance, his heart revealing

His sorrowful moan along the way.


There, set upon a wicker swing,

Peaceful as if in slumber,

Hung from majestic boughs intertwined

With succulent vines beyond number,


The remnant of a lonely being

Awaiting his prowess

Had slept too long, but its meaning

He could never truly guess.


The magic of her power felt

Mighty as they approached,

Though only bones and whitened hair

Seemed their sad reproach.


Though its life appeared forever spent

Sparkling colors of untold powers

Began to re-animate her ethereal essence

A reprieve for their lost hours.


There she formed as he dreamt she would,

Her glowing face’s beauty recognized.

Tentatively shy, they stepped closer.

“I called,” she said. “I heard,” he replied.


“I kept these worlds for you,” she told,

“And would have waited through all of time,

Because your coming crossed too many lines,

None of which, till now, were mine.


“I’ve strolled this lovely secret grove

For just this moment, to tell you of my life,

And how your final coming will rekindle our love

For now I can live without aging as your wife.


“I may only live now as memory,

But felt myself fulfilled to stay

For in this spirit I’ll wait again for you

Until you’ve found your journey’s way.


“Return when sanctuary you seek

To find such was denied us before,

A lasting love you will always know,

And shall have forevermore.”


He added his own power, sealed with his kiss,

To hid all where she would stay,

To travel ’bout the universes,

Only he knowing their secret way.


Seeking her with his last return

Her living form would again be replaced,

So their united powers with the stars

Can encompass all the visions of intercosmic space.



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The Internet in Real-Time

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