The Coveted ‘Liebster’ Award


I’ve been nominated by Billy Ray Chitwood for the coveted LIEBSTER AWARD. It may be questionable, or even dubious, for some, but I kinda like the idea.  You can find out about this information trivia from my friend, Billy, at Visit his site and read some his posts. I’m expecting you to enjoy them as I have. You’ll notice on this blog of mine that he’s the blogger most often listed as one I follow.
Here are the rules for acceptance of the “LIEBSTER AWARD.” This is important because at the end I will be nominating eleven blogs for this coveted award.
The Rules:
1) When you receive the award you must post eleven random facts about yourself; 2) you must answer eleven questions posed by the person who nominated you; 3) you pass the award on to the eleven blogger friends you are nominating, making sure you notify them of their nominations; 4) you write up eleven new questions for the bloggers you are nominating (and you cannot nominate the blogger who nominated you); and finally, 5) you paste the award picture into your blog along with eleven random facts about yourself and your eleven questions and answers given by your nominator. (Not much different from the Next Big Thing)
Eleven random facts about Judith Victoria Douglas:
1. Judith Victoria Douglas is my pseudonym, but my first name really is Judith.
2. I have a daughter about to turn 40 years old.  Don’t even ask how that makes me feel.
3. My driver’s license states I’m 5’5″, but I’m really only 5’3 1/2″ — a discrepancy I never bothered to change. We do shrink as we age, don’t we?
4. If I ate shell fish, like shrimp or lobster or crab, I’d probably die before the swelling went down enough to allow me to breath again, unless a tracheotomy was completed before things went critical.  But, then, there would still be the problem of my other organs failing, like my heart squeezed by the blotting.  Not pretty.
5. I survived Catholic School, from 2nd grade to high school graduation, and got a lousy education, a rebellious attitude and distain for blind, religious fanaticism in the process.
6. My biggest “pet peeve” is a liar, but a good embellishment of facts for a story is allowable.
7. I played the snare drum in an all-girl drum and bugle corps in high school.
8. I never went through the initiation process for my sorority in college. Therefore, I’m not really a member.
9. I am a lifetime member of Psi Chi, the national honor society for Psychology.
10. I taught upper level psychology classes at a private university for a year, then it was purchased by the Texas A&M system and we all lost our jobs, except the President who was near retirement and allowed to teach again until she did.
11. I used to ride big horses over high fences and still would if I could.  I would literally eat, sleep and breath horses if I had a choice, and someone else did all the work to care for them — at my direction, of course.
My eleven questions from Billy:
1. Your favorite Actor or Actress?  If I HAD to pick one, it would have to be anyone currently playing the Dr. Who character in that series. They have all been very good, though each as different as night and day. Proves how diverse one personality can be.
2. Your least liked chore? Shopping, believe it or not.
3. Your favorite book genre? Science fiction/fantasy, but a good book can be any genre (as, a good horse can be any color).
4. Your favorite type of music? Music depends on mood, but anything with a good rhythm will make me smile. And then there’s Wagner…
5. Your favorite movie?  If there’s ever a good movie, not based on real life or a good book, that follows through and gives me a good ending, in particular a surprise ending, it would be my favorite.  So far, Sixth Sense comes the closest for the surprise ending; Melancholia for the amazing ending.
6. Your least favorite movie? Any movie you’d term a dud, which is most.  There are really too many to decide from.
7. Mayonnaise or Salad Dressing? Mayo, when appropriate, otherwise mustard all the way.
8. Favorite beverage? In hot weather, iced tea with lemon; in cold weather, hot tea with lemon (or cocoa, if I’m needing chocolate.)
9. Favorite meat? Crispy bacon. without a doubt; with sliced turkey, even better.
10. Favorite vegetable? Avocado, alone, smashed and seasoned with chips, or sliced in a salad or on that bacon and turkey sandwich.  Hmmm.
11. Favorite author of all time?  J.R.R. Tolkien, of course.
Now my eleven questions for my nominees:
1. If there was one person — real, fiction or fantasy — you could spend some time talking with, who would it be?
2. If you could change anything about yourself, physical, mental, emotional, heritage-wise, anything, what would it be?
3. What animal, fish or bird, living or extinct, would you like to know more about, up close and personal, maybe even as a pet?
4. If you could choose your last meal, and you weren’t in prison at the time, what would it be?
5. If English is your primary language, but you could instantly be fluent in another, what would it be?
6. Where in the universe, if not this planet, would you live if you had a choice and it was actually feasible?
7. What object, place or thing do you equate with your favorite color, and why? Please state your favorite color so your reasoning will be clear to your readers.
8. What movie would you have liked to play a part, even a minor part if the top slot was taken by your favorite actor/actress.  Name your favorite actor/actress so your readers will be clear on this, as well.
9. What book do you wish you had written?  Include why you picked this particular book.
10. What scientific or social (not political or religious) endeavor or event would most benefit mankind at this moment in time?  If you say a Space-Alien Invasion, please explain why.
11. How would you explain to a blind person the difference between God and Santa Claus, if both were standing in front of you? This is like The Elephant and the Six Blind Men, but its only you telling one person the difference between the two.

Now, take this Liebster Award as an opportunity to make yourself known on the net a little better as an individual and author.  It may be a dubious way to accomplish this, but no worse than any others I’ve received and passed on.  If you find it questionable, let Billy know and he can pass it backward in this case, since I am passing it forward. It’s taken some thought to finish this up, so don’t let it bother you if it takes you a little time to put your thoughts together.  Consider it a writing exercise, but about yourself rather than your characters.  Have fun with it and keep it going. Should you need to send your dubious remarks back to Billy, be assured; I know he’s a nice guy and won’t mind a little levity. If you want to read some really funny stuff, follow these award links backward and read some of the questions and answers, and the unknown facts. I found it fun. Here are the two before Billy.  They’re “over the pond” and that sense of humor is always worth losing your breath from laughter.  I didn’t link them on purpose; you’ll have to copy and past if you’re really interested, or curious. – he’s from a small town NE of England, which puts him somewhere in the Atlantic
Here are my nominees for the Liebster Award:
Categories: About Social Media, Introductions, Random Thoughts to Share | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

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4 thoughts on “The Coveted ‘Liebster’ Award

  1. Congrats! 😀

  2. Billy Ray Chitwood

    Thank you, Judith. Excellent job.You likely finished this fairly fast — it took me two days… Best wishes to you.

  3. Thanks for your support.

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